Tuesday, February 10, 2009

a poem

I hazily awaken
from winter's deep slumber -
the towhees, wrens, and chickadees help
with their beautiful daily songs of offering

The sun
our beautiful star
encourages me to rise
earlier and earlier
with brightness and warmth

Inner ponderings stir and whirl
coats turn to sweaters
garden begins to whisper
time for this year's work to begin

(title and author unknown)

I came across this sweet little poem and I found myself eager for spring and for our new baby to come. I feel like my body couldn't possibly change anymore, yet I know it will. I am trying wait patiently this last month and a half knowing that when the sun comes out and the flowers begin to bloom we will hold our sweet new girl in our arms.


~Sue said...
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~Sue said...

Mmay I offered my now edited version of this comment?! :)

Yes, Diana, His mercies will be new each morning as your daughter's arrival quickly comes closer and closer. Soak in these last weeks getting to know her before the flurry of activity starts. These days of contempation and expectation will soon be overshadowed by her actual presence and the frenetic pace of parenthood. Love you. I eagerly look forward to meeting and holding your sweet daughter